I used to enjoy coming to check every day to see if there would be a new comic. There hasn’t been a new one in so long I’m beginning to wonder if there will EVER be any more! I hope whatever rut you’re in will clear soon! I miss these!
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I used to enjoy coming to check every day to see if there would be a new comic. There hasn’t been a new one in so long I’m beginning to wonder if there will EVER be any more! I hope whatever rut you’re in will clear soon! I miss these!
Sorry, I haven’t been writing any for a while. It’s been a time of rethinking the comic and what it means to do it.
Be patient. Things will turn around.
Just stumbled onto this great little series. Gonna show it to my friends and my anthropology teacher whos been a paranormal hunter for a while.
Personally im sticking to the old monsters with a degree in araarchaeology.
ancient and medieval Latin,
works of art.
handwritten by the author.
the best poets of his era and
bride, Julie d’Angenne.
From many manuscripts of Antiquity
consists of the book itself
Europe, and in Ancient Russia
consists of the book itself
“Julia’s Garland” (fr. Guirlande de Julie)
55 thousand Greek, 30 thousand Armenian
European glory, and even after
from lat. manus – “hand” and scribo – “I write”) ]
Western Europe also formed
Since the era of Charlemagne
consists of the book itself
Europe, and in Ancient Russia
Europe, and in Ancient Russia