Everyone has been getting after me to pick on the TV ghost hunter show, Paranormal State. Well, you got your wish.

All of us fervent fanatics of features of haunted content know that this show is chock-a-block full of demons and nasties. Wherever they go, something rude lurks in the shadows. They add a unique perspective on the paranormal as well as help out people who are really in dire straits with the spirit world… not a task I would willingly sign up for!

Of course, the Entities crew are fans, fans of just about every bit of paranormal programming. It’s time for popcorn and demonics! This is Vlad’s fav for sure, demonologist that he is. Erna busies herself scouting the techniques of Chip Coffey and the various psychics who grace the show.

Segue to the TV – Once again I have to complain about television going exclusively digital. Gone are the rabbit ears I loved to draw in my comics. Those meant TV to me. Of course, being from the Later Cretaceous Period, I’m a little dated. I still catch myself drawing telephones that look like old dial-ups.

I have resigned myself to embrace, reluctantly, the 21st century and give the Entities crew a plasma TV… which will break down in 7 years, as mine did, and cost more than 2 TV’s worth to repair. (I replaced mine with LCD - Hi-def mind you! All of you will be shocked that I am moving beyond the era of Model T’s. I WILL NOT DO BLU RAY! I WILL NOT DO BLU RAY!) And so, you will note the disclaimer on the back of the TV – which draws like a “gold-derned rat blastard BOX!” – VERY UNINTERESTING! Backs of TV’s used to be more fun… Instead, they just give off hi-EMFs that bother the heck out of me when I get too close.

Okay, I’ll cease the resistance and head out into the sunset drawing more cartoons indicative of the 21st century that I’ve inadvertently found myself immersed in.

Enjoy, Eat Cookies, Hunt Ghosts, Cease Resistance!
