Some amateur ghost hunters might think it’s amusing to call out for evil spirits… Be careful what you wish for! You might just get what you want! Chris Daughtry knows what he’s singing about.

Watching TV shows like Paranormal State and Ghost Adventures glamorize those aspects awakens some concern. Kids out there might think it’s cool to provoke ghosts or eradicate demons on their own. I can’t emphasize enough that you need knowledge and experience behind you before you attempt any of that. Paranormal investigating is much more than running around with recording equipment asking for spirits to respond.

Spirits can and will follow you home. Negative energies can have a nasty impact on your life and family if you invite them along. If you are interested in this field, get some proper training with a reputable group. It would be a good thing to go to TAPS Boot Camp or some similar seminar. Learn proper methods and your investigation experiences will be positive ones. …and you won’t annoy your mother by bringing home uninvited guests!

Enjoy, Hunt Safely!
