There is lots of definitions for elemental. They are folkloric in nature, supposedly being formed by the elements of air, fire, water, Earth.

Wiki says:

“An elemental is a mythological being first appearing in the alchemical works of Paracelsus. Traditionally, there are four types:[1]

According to Sylvia Browne from her book Phenomenon:

“The theory behind the ancient myth of the existence of elementals goes like this. The earth is made up of four elements: Fire, Water, Earth and Air. Earth and Water are believed to be female-energy elements. Fire and Air are believed to be male-energy elements.

Inhabiting each of these elements are spirits of nature called Elementals. They’re impossible to describe, since they don’t have a form or appearance of their own. But if they care to they can take the shape of animals or humans and walk among us, soulless and deceitful, seducing unsuspecting humans for the purpose of conceiving and bearing children. Julius Ceasar and Hercules were among those rumored to be offspring of Elementals.”

Now I know that all the Julius Ceasar I had to translate in Latin class was the product of Elementals trying to make my life hard. Go figure?! What was responsible for Cicero? That’s what I want to know… Ironically, Homer - The Illiad & Odssey sits next to my ghost books.

Elementals were accused by ancient cultures for being responsible for earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic activity. They have also been rumored to attach themselves to us regular folk as little negative energies. Apparently one can cleanse these suckers off with mild electrical current or by scraping them off with piano wire. (How anyone arrived at the piano wire idea is beyond even my super creative mind… Why not telephone wire or computer cable – twisty ties after you scrape the paper off?)

Sylvia Browne says she doesn’t believe in them.

I tend to agree with her. The Earth is a living thing that moves and shifts at will, and at our expense sometimes. Little creatures aren’t doing it… I do think one can attract negative energies, but these are manufactured by US from our own mind-stuff. Thoughts are things and bad ones make bad things or lousy feelings.

In the end… do we really know what an elemental is? Funny how cartoons can be so deep without even digging.

Enjoy, don’t think too much!
