There’s a lot of debate amongst the ghost hunter crowd whether or not psychic impressions are valuable evidence. Granted, you can’t declare their findings scientific. What they do is very tough for science to put a wrapper around.

The great Hans Holzer, daddy of all paranormallers, said that paranormal investigation is worthless without a psychic medium on board. Their insight can assist the process and hopefully open a communication line with any spirits involved in a haunting.

Can you declare this evidence of a haunting? Scientifically, no. A psychic is really more of a useful tool in furthering the study. There will always be arguments surrounding psychic impressions: are they influencing the investigation in a false way; is the psychic influenced by information?

There is value here, particularly when you are faced with helping a client sort out his/her experiences and putting a stop to disturbing activity.

Should we use psychics on investigations? Yes. They are great signposts for pointing out activity. If communication occurs, any evps or physically documented phenomena will substantiate the psychic finds. Yes, they are useful. So, why get hung up about it?

Enjoy, Eat Cookies, Hunt Ghosts, Connect With Your Psychic Abilities!
