One again I am crossing lines… I just can’t help myself. It’s so much fun to get into religious hot water. At least I know better than to joke about Muslims… I don’t relish going into hiding for eternity.

Do you remember those catalogs showing up in the mailbox pushing toe separators, vibrating “face” massagers, AND glow-in-the-dark Virgin Marys, sometimes Jesus’? For some reason, I always thought these were amusing. And so I draw on that for today’s ‘toon.

Glow-In-The-Dark Virgin Statue from

So, please forgive me if I offend your sensibilities. It’s an affliction and I just can’t help it.

All in all, I suspect these glow-in-the-dark statues might actually work on warding off demonic entities. I bet they can see them pretty well and would find them quite intimidating. Once again, Entities-R-Us has shed light on alternative paranormal tools. Where are those stupid catalogs when you need them?!

Eat Cookies, Hunt Ghosts!


btw: Yes, I promise to get back to regular blogging. The holidays and some impending major decisions have kept me occupied.