We weathered Irene quite handily. I used the time to write some comics. Luckily we kept the power. All things considered, we could have done the ghost hunt. But, safety first… we weren’t sure of the intensity of the hurricane. I’m glad I had a weekend to relax. I don’t get many opportunities to goof off, so I did a bit.

There is not rest for Merv, however…His Magic 8-Ball has led him down a path of destruction. After mistaking the possessed, blue 8-ball fluid for Koolaid, Merv has now begun to channel Bill The Cat from Berke Breathed’s Bloom County. Bill The Cat is one of my favorite characters in the comic strip that began in the 1980s. It has been a bit of an influence on my work. While my humor is softer, the flavor is similar… and I just can’t leave out the underwear jokes. So this week I pay homage to Bill The Cat.

Merv’s hijinks will ensue all week, so get ready for some extra insanity. There will even be a Guest Draw by the the end of the week that actually FITS in the story line! HA! Since my story lines have been a little haphazard, I thought I’d make it up to ya.

Eat Cookies, Hunt Ghosts, Read Comics!
