Lately, working a daily comic with a full time job as a creative director has been a challenge equivalent to hiking Mt. Everest without Sherpas… or as I would say, Sherpai ( it’s just funnier). Little time is left for the details surrounding the comic, such as writing, marketing, and ghost hunting. Though I’m still attempting to fit it all in.

I keep wishing to win the lottery so I can concentrate on cartooning and writing full time. Some people fall into making a living with it, but it just hasn’t landed for me. That doesn’t mean it won’t. I just means there are many miles I have to travel before I retire to ‘toonin’. One never knows who’s life you need to touch, or what you need to do before you settle into yourself.

So, I keep serving by creating and drawing the comic for others. For that is what I’m supposed to do, make things better by virtue of my art abilities.

Once I figure out how to collapse time, I will be able to do all of it with little effort. If anyone has any advice, I’m a willing ear!

Eat Cookies, Hunt Ghosts!


BTW, I did miss Monday’s comic. I lost my dear aunt on Sunday to the other side. I did not have the energy to spend on humor at the time. But, I’m back in action. The living can’t stop for the crossed. It’s our job to keep at it until it’s our turn.