The investigation of my barn revealed something other than I had expected. The person who built my barn had died at his own hand – a very sad occasion for us, as we knew him during the summer he spent building such a wonderful barn for my horses. He was a great guy and sorely missed by many.

The day he died, I was in my barn tacking up my horse when a nail shot out of the wall causing a bunch of equipment to fall. (I’m no slouch when it comes to hammering nails and big ones like that just don’t fly out of a wall.) I could see the nail streak across the barn. My horse, who usually spooks at the unusual, didn’t even flinch. It was as if he expected it to happen and had seen who pulled it out! Much to my disgust, I never found that nail (it was a big one) and was worried about my horse discovering it later. I was able to correctly date the incident being my husband flew to Florida to visit his mom that day. When I heard of our friends passing and the date, I was able to place the incidents together. No proof, just personal experience. Yes, my friend would have shown up for one last look at the barn as it was the project he was most proud of.

Needless to say, I thought I might find him in the barn at least to say hello. Fortunately, it seems he hasn’t lingered on this plane… Instead, what we discovered was most unexpected. Our on-board psychic picked up on an angry spirit - short, stocky, stringy black-haired. This guy was pissed! He had fallen from a horse onto a big rock in the “ravine” as the psychic put it. The psychic had no knowledge of the gully that is atop my hill, nor the huge rocks that lie in it, and there are no physical signs of it even being there. You wouldn’t know unless you’ve hiked the hill. The nasty sort claimed he was missing his green box of stuff that he wanted back. He was also quite ripped that nobody bothered to ship his body home… wherever that was. He was not going to leave until someone at least buried the green box where he was laid to rest… which was some unmarked grave on the hillside. Good luck with that!

This nasty one had shown up in my hayloft, apparently. None of us saw him. However, I got 3 amazing orb picts that seem to be different from the usual dust you’d expect in a barn. The one seem to drift toward an investigator and wind up beside him. You can see these on the Evidence page. While I cannot prove that these are not dust, it does fall in the interesting category given the psychic impressions. Apparently, this bad egg was getting really ticked that we were there, so we were warned to leave by our psychic. Part of me is sorry I did. I’m not a fan of being scratched or shoved, but it would have been interesting just the same.

I have no physical proof of this entity. Yet, I like the story. And, sometimes a good ghost story is just that.

Take it for what it is. Use it to scare small children (who will later become ghost hunters out of sheer curiosity).

Eat Cookies, Hunt Ghosts!
