Boom Boom Buxom - Paranormal Investigator

Boom Boom Buxom

Boom Boom was asked to join Entities-R-Us Ghost Hunters to help secure the team a paranormal television deal. Arno Alkaloid was approached by ACME Channel TV to do a ghost hunting show with the stipulation he hires some “eye candy” to spice up the look of the ragtag gang. It soon became clear she was not just a set of knockers… Yes, Boomy showed up with a list of credentials that belied her showy exterior.

A Masters in Metaphysics and a Doctorate in Quantum Theory make Boom Boom a formidable paranormalist. It doesn’t hurt that she is ranked one of the top paranormal investigators in the world. So what drives a drop-dead gorgeous creature to sign up for ghost hunting, a pastime generally reserved for weirdoes, geeks and skeevy sorts? An encounter with the beyond…

Boomy grew up in an uneventful town in the Midwest that sports a plethora of trailer parks. Attractive people live here… they marry for looks. Boomy came into this world with more than a hot bod, she had the brains to boot. It was unfortunate her mother, a pole dancer by trade, named her daughter with the intention of Boomy joining the family business. Needless to say, years of school ridicule for being intelligent, she bolted from her hometown at the first opportunity, when Northwestern University offered her a full academic scholarship.

Studying Nuclear Physics, Boom Boom was off on a path of intellectual concerns when she had an unusual encounter with an electromagnetic field. Working late, she walked past a student experiment that was left running for the night. Suddenly the scene changed… she was no longer in the 20th century. She found herself in a saloon in the 19th century. There in the middle of the room was her mother in a former life, pole dancing! Boomy wigged out. She woke up screaming on the lab floor. She was not fussed about traveling to a parallel universe so much as she was terrified as to why her mother would come back for a second lifetime as a pole dancer.

Since that encounter, Boom Boom was fixated on the paranormal. Anything she could learn or experience, she did. And so, today she is one of the hottest para-intellectuals there is… even though she has big boobs.

Character Creation

I must say, she is a great addition to the crew. We’ll all get to know her better as I write. My process for creating a new character begins with a need. It becomes apparent there is a personality hole in the mix, or a concept that needs a new face to develop around. The latter was the case for Boomy.

Neither Erna or Vera qualifies as “eye candy.” Ironically, I am probably the LAST person on the planet qualified to DRAW “eye candy.” I tend to be a crunchy personality who rarely wears makeup and has absolutely no need for a bra! (Too much information…)

However, I’ve found Boom Boom easy to work with. I deliberately made her intelligent. I’m sick of the usual “dumb blond” cliche. It’s an insult to women in general. Also, aside from Merv, I find it really hard to write stupid dialogue. Even Merv says intelligent stuff once in a while.

Anyway, back to process… Basically, Boom Boom formed in my head. I sat and drew a quick character sketch (seen above), then proceeded to draw her into the strip. I allow the character to build itself as the situation unfolds. You’ll notice Boom Boom does not say much right away. She is observing at this point. (And I am observing her.) You will really begin to see her character unfold in Sunday’s comic where she deals with Vera’s jealousy.

This will be interesting to watch.

