Why? Dolls freak me out.

I was never a big doll fan. As a kid I would allot a short amount to time to obligatory doll playing. After that, I’d go run out to the barn and play with the animals and tools.

I had one baby doll that was once my mother’s. It had a squished up face that looked like it was crying it’s ass off… it was quite ugly. Like anyone would want a baby like that… It just goes to show why I never took an interest in having children.

Don’t get me wrong, I love kids. I just like sending them home with their parents after I’ve gotten them all good and riled up!

I still have the baby doll in my collection of childhood thrills packed away in a box. To me it’s pretty cool. I even used the face as a model for a ceramic piece I did in college. No, it’s not haunted.

Reminiscingly yours,
