Is it a paranormal event to be scratched?

All I can say is, it hasn’t happened to me - yet. I’ve had a psychic warn me not to hang out at a location because it was likely that I would be scratched. Sadly, I retreated since everyone else did. Sometimes I wish I had hung out and received my “just” reward. Which is what Wednesday’s cartoon is about. Arno, of course, would dive right in.

Some of the investigators I hunt with had their cars scratched at a certain cemetery. I guess if spirits can mark humans, why not cars? That might explain a lot of incidents of “keying” at local malls… energies of deceased mall rats running amok.

On an interesting note, a well known psychic said that ghosts cannot scratch you. It’s you’re own belief that makes that phenomenon appear. I’m inclined to subscribe to that theory. It hasn’t happened to me. I have felt pressure and sensation from spirits, but never has the skin been broken.

I will keep an open mind. If, on a future investigation, I wind up with some serious war wounds, you’ll be the first to know! Won’t that be an interesting blog topic, eh?!

Meanwhile, safety first – beware of ghosts with switchblades.
