I just got off the phone last night after discussing a paranormal issue someone was having. These folks apparently have poltergeist activity so bad, they cannot live in the place.

I want to get my group to go in there and sort it out. The person I was talking with said that it would cost a lot of money and that one of the owners was rich and would likely be able to take care of the problem on his own…

Demons don’t back down for money… So, I was trying to figure out where this conversation made such an unusual U-turn. When it occurred to me this person thought my group was going to charge some exorbitant fee to come in and clear the joint.

This made me realize that many people do not know that a majority of paranormal investigators do not charge for their work… in fact, they do it expressly to help those in need.

GHOST HUNTING IS FREE FOR THOSE WHO NEED IT! I want that clear to those of you out there who have spirit issues and need assistance. Do not be ashamed to call in some reserves. WE as ghost hunters are there to HELP you.

Most ghost hunting groups supply their own funds or survive on donations. Others do fundraisers. Truly legitimate paranormal groups NEVER CHARGE THEIR CLIENTS.

So, if you would like to help out a paranormal group financially, many would happily accept a donation. I would encourage it. It’s helpful to be able to afford equipment, gas and car maintenance.

If you are a client and are asked to pay a fee, please hunt down another group. Always check out their credentials. If the services they provide fit your needs, then use them. If you need your home cleansed, make sure you pick a group that has the ability to do that. Not every ghost hunter has the capacity to rid your home of spirits. Some can only investigate.

Do your research, get recommendations, but don’t PAY for this service. It’s more difficult to be honest when someone has handed you $100 and is expecting a haunting or a cleansing. Neither of you will be happy with the results for lack-there-of. This is not an exact science. We are dealing with the supernatural which is unpredictable at best. So, there are not guarantees.

Just thought you ought to know or be reminded of the unwritten code of paranormal investigation, “Thou shalt not charge.”
