Hey folks,

It’s been quite a space of time since I’ve added anything Entities wise. I apologize for this. I have been cleaning house, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. This include all my modes of expression. The truth being, I’ve needed some months off to evaluate everything. Nothing is wrong, it’s just in transition.

Comic sketch of Merv and his tangled extension cords.

This sketch shows how tangled my mind has been…

Part of what I am doing is questioning what I need to do with Entities-R-Us. There should be more books. There should be a change in how this comic thing is done… at least for me anyway.

My views on the paranormal have shifted. I’m becoming more aware of the other realms, so I am processing this as well. It will be an interesting journey to share.

You an read the archives if you like. The first book is still available on Create Space or Amazon.

As I emerge from all this, you will see many new things!

So, keep waiting with baited breath.

Back at ya soon!

